Happy February all! With March just around the corner, Save Our Arkansas Valley is getting this newsletter into your in-box in time for you to help take action!
Save Our Arkansas Valley has been working with the Colorado Energy Office to have Bryce Carter and staff visit BV and they will be presenting via a public, free forum for Chaffee County residents. All Chaffee County residents are encouraged to attend. Join us at the Reg Gym at the BV High School from 4:45 - 7:30 pm and bring your questions /concerns! For full details of the event, visit the Events page of our website, SaveArkValley.org.Presentation to BV Trustees on January 28, 2025 - 200 MW Geothermal Testing
ThermalGE Energy presented a request for seismic testing near BV for a 200 MW utility plant. The meeting was well-covered by Ark Valley Voice. A representative from Save Our Ark Valley was in attendance to provide advance comments to the Trustees about the negative impacts of geothermal in general. More information and links to the recorded meeting are on our website under “History." Save Our Arkansas Valley fears the floodgates are opening for geothermal interests in our valley - and so far they all stem from self-indulging monetary proposals for electricity generation. We are not aware of proposals for geothermal electricity generation anywhere else in Colorado. No one has proposed starting with something simple like geothermal sourced building heat in town or at the prison that would yield real benefits to our county.Thank you for your support!
- Your "Save Our Arkansas Valley” Team