Call to Action
We are asking the community to OPPOSE all of the below possible grant awards from the State of Colorado’s Energy Office (CEO) to MPGLLC or any of its associated partnerships and investors. Write a letter to the CEO voicing your concerns if awards are given to Mount Princeton Geothermal LLC (MPGLLC), Western Geothermal or the Icelandic Investors, Reykjavic Geothermal for award any of these grants for work in Maxwell Park:
Award of a new grant in the form of an Investment Tax Credit (ITC),
Award of a grant in the form of a Production Tax Credit (PTC), or
Any grant award from Colorado’s Geothermal Energy Grant Program (GEGP) Round 2 funding since such projects are all geothermal electricity sourced, which are stated to be specifically excluded.
For a sample letter to email to the State decision-makers opposing award of these grants for an industrial geothermal utility power plant in the Arkansas Valley, click here and copy/paste relevant parts into an email - modifying as you see fit. Add your full name to the bottom, revise the first line to “As a frequent visitor to Chaffee County” if appropriate, and revise anything else needed to make it your own.
Depending on your browser, you may be able to simply click the below link and have an email pre-populated: Auto-populated Email (will not work for everyone!)
More Information about the grants: The Investment Tax Credit (ITC) being offered by the state would offset up to 30% of investment costs, up to $5 million per project!!! MPGLLC could ALSO get a Production Tax Credit (PTC) of $0.02/kWh of electricity. Either or both of these awards would SIGNIFICANTLY and falsely sway the project’s Return on Investment, which is being used to sell the project.